
“Adventure Without Risk is Disneyland” - Douglas Coupland

Words to live by. (At least until we receive a cease-and-desist from the Disney corporation.) You wouldn’t have made the decision to travel if you were needing to be mollycoddled, we get it. However, in the unlikely scenario that things do go marginally tits-up, Vagaband will have your back.

Whether cuts and bruises, lobster-style sunburn, or hangovers from hell - this travel buddy will make sure you’re taken care of.


“People expect mud at festivals –

they expect it to be chaos: really you should get your money back if it isn’t.” Peter Hook

Sometimes the greatest adventures are right on our doorsteps. Us Brits love nothing more than letting off some steam in the great outdoors. Annually, we flock to fields to get covered in mud, shout til we’re hoarse and (of course), lose all our bloody stuff.

Sadly, Vagabands can’t do much about the weather. But once Sunday morning arrives and you recall the sacrifice of your phone to an immensely fun puddle just to the left of the front speaker, that’s where we come in.

Your mates’ numbers, your tent location, set-times, stages, meeting points… Even that bit of seminal genius that came to you at 3AM when you suddenly realised your love for psy-trance - it’s all there, safe in your Vagaband.

How did you ever festival without one?


“Being a student is like learning how to ride a bike: except you’re broke… also you’re late for something… and lost, knackered and confused by the local accent. Also, the bike’s on fire.”

Starting life in a new city can be tough. Granted, it’s an exciting new world - new mates, new piercings, shitty scandinavian furniture and nights you’ll never remember, but it’s also a little intimidating at times.

Vagabands help people get their bearings in new surroundings all over the world, and re-location jitters are just as valid right here in the UK. Vagabands secure phone numbers, addresses, services, names and places that would otherwise be jotted on the back of a scrap of paper - destined to wind up used as a soggy coaster.

We appreciate that students exist in a constant state of financial crisis, so we offer ludicrous discounts. University’s when adulthood starts to rear its ugly head and we know you can hack it, but we’ve got your back just in case.


Not all nomads find themselves roaming by choice. We’re lucky to have the world at our fingertips, but that comes with a responsibility to consider those who don’t. Our own travels have show us the immense good that can come from giving a little back to the communities we pass through - and the ones we live in.

We’ve worked with St Mungo’s, the UK’s largest homeless charity, using Vagabands to help identify and humanise the roofless population of London. Our goal is to continue this work, and expand it across the world to ensure that nobody lives - or dies - without a name.

We’ve also closely involved The Elephant Family, an NGO set up by the great conservationist Mark Shand. The organisation is dedicated to providing sanctuaries for the endangered species of India, as well as supporting the communities that live alongside them.

Vagabands are versatile. We’ve adapted and customised them for a range of clients and if you think Vagabands might be for your organisation, just get in touch and we can work with you to create something bespoke.

"Being able to learn basic information at a glance would save dozens of man-hours at any festival: time that could be spent on more serious cases."

Dave Parry - Festival Medical Services UK